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Experiences, how Departures work

Understand how to use Tour Departures

Tyra avatar
Written by Tyra
Updated over a week ago

With Tashi, you can use Departures to pre-define when your Experience can be booked and offer those 'slots' to the guest to be booked.

For example, you could highlight that the Experience is only available at 9 am every weekday morning.

You can define a Departure's maximum group capacity so that your guests can easily see how many 'spots' are still available.


Why you should use Experience Departures

To understand Tour Departures its best to use some examples:

Example A: Walking Tour operator: You run Walking Tours, that last 3 hours in duration that departs each day at 9 am and 1 pm, Monday to Friday only you would create a Departure of this Tour for each date and both times that it will run. Also, you can include details in this Departure such as who the Guide is and any Tour information specific to this Departure.

If the capacity of our walking Tour is 20 people, then when prospective Guests look to book for a particular day and time they can see the available capacity of the Tour, for example, if 15 people have already booked a tour, then the new Guest will see that there are 5 spots still available for that date and time.

Example B: Multi-day Tour operator.
If you run multi-day tours, you can create a Departure for your planned departure dates over the coming weeks and months. This has two benefits, when the prospective Guest comes to Book they will be easily able to see how many spots are still left in the tour and two, you can display your planned departure times on your Tour Product listing on your website ⬇️


How to Create a Departure

Go to the Experiences -> Departures where you will see the list of existing Departures.

Adding individual Departures

Click 'Create Departure' to add a new Departure.


  1. Select the Tour Product that the Departure relates to

  2. Select the Date and Time for the Departures

  3. Give the Departure a Title

  4. Give the Departure a Description

  5. Choose between the Departures being Private or Open.

Top Tip πŸ’‘: Open Departures are publicly available where you sell your Products, e.g. on your website and they display in the Availability section of your Tour Listing page. Private Departures are not publicly available and can be booked by people who have been invited to do so, for example, by sending them a Tour Quote.

Bulk create Departures

If you have a regular schedule for your Departures you can bulk create multiple departures. Just define the cadence of when the Departures of a particular Experience and Rate be available, and bulk creates them.

Top Tip πŸ’‘: Use the "Set and End Date to create Departures till " toggle to cap the total number of Departures you're creating.


Departures, what to consider when creating a Tour Product

Auto Create a Departure? - Yes/No

Do you want prospective Guests to be able to book an available date as long as they meet the minimum booking size? If so, select Yes

Or, if you only want Guests to select from the Departures that you have created, then select No.

Show Upcoming Departures? - Yes/No

Do you want to display the upcoming Departures for the product in the online Tour Product listing page?

Bulk Delete Departures

Did you make a mistake when using the auto-create rules? No worries!

To bulk delete departures that were created by the 'Auto Create Departures Rule' navigate to the 'Created Depatures' tab in that Departures Rule and click ' Delete empty Departures."

This will delete all departures created by this rule where there have been no Bookings or Quotes attached.


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