Create a new Extra (Product / Service)

How to set up the extras (additional products or services) that you sell

Tyra avatar
Written by Tyra
Updated over a week ago

Add in the Extras, such as products and services that you sell such as tickets, food & drinks or other auxiliary items. 

Once you have added you Extras, you can quickly search and add them to a booking, or create an entirely new sale if you don't want to add it to a guest booking.

Simply following these steps:

Go to the 'Back Office' and select the 'Extras' option.

3. Click on the 'Create Extra' button on the upper left side of the scree to continue further. 

4. A small dialog box opens with three tabs, including the Details, Description and Images for the extra.

5. Insert the required information in the 'Details' tab and click on the 'Save' button.

6. Now move on to the 'Description' tab. In this section, you can add any kind of important detail that you want to highlight about your extra. Click on the 'Save' button to continue.

7. The last tab is the 'Images' tab. In this section, you can add the images for your product to make it more informative.

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